Beyond the Book —
Typographic Craft
Copy Writing
Best Design Awards, Gold, Designers Institute of New Zealand (2023)
Awarded membership into the International Society of Typographic Designers, ISTD (2022)
Typographic Craft
Copy Writing
Best Design Awards, Gold, Designers Institute of New Zealand (2023)
Awarded membership into the International Society of Typographic Designers, ISTD (2022)
Beyond the Book, is a response to the ISTD Shaping the World brief. I have chosen the 42-Line Bible, produced in 1455 by Johannes Gutenberg, to explore the profound impact that the 42-Line Bible had on print technology. This publication is a travel through time and stage by stage, it looks at the most important technological breakthroughs in printing: Gutenberg's Innovations; the Rotary Press; Offset Press; Linotype Machine; Laser printing; and 3D printing.